Hospital Veterinario en Barcelona - Diagonal

Who we are

We are a Veterinary Hospital, specialising in Emergencies, Intensive Care and Veterinary Referrals.

Situated in Barcelona’s Avenida Diagonal, SURvet, founded in 1995, is a Veterinary Referral Hospital open 24hrs/day to attend cases referred from other veterinary centres. The centre is also open to the general public for emergencies when their usual veterinary is closed, during night hours and holidays.

Our Centre is fully equipped with an Image Diagnosis Service (Radiography, Ecography, Endoscopy), Analytical Laboratory, Admissions Area, Surgery, and ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for our patients. We can also offer specialisations for immediate action, e.g. Cardiology, Neurology and Veterinary Surgery.

Both with Referred cases (from other veterinary centres) and those attended in Urgencies at SURvet:

  • We provide detailed information beforehand regarding the diagnostic tests that the veterinaries decide on 
  • We prepape a clinical report of the visit(s) for both the owner and the pet’s regular veterinary, regarding the diagnostic and clinical tests performed

At SURvet you will find modern, funtional instalations, including an Admissions Area and ICU with access allowed to pet owners during scheduled hours under specific conditions. Owners and veterinaries also have available a Veterinary Ambulance service equipped to facilitate the transport of cats and dogs for tests or admission in the hospital.

Hospital Veterinario en Barcelona - Diagonal

At SURvet we are #CommittedToCare

“No puc estar més agraïda. Gent professional, amant dels animals, dedicats, afectuosos amb els nostres peluts. Al meu Garrow li han salvat la vida. Li espera una recuperació lenta, però està viu i deu n’hi do lo bé que està per haver caigut d’un novè pis. Sou meravellosos. GRÀCIES!” – Julia D.

Do you need an Emergency Hospital?

Call us or visit us!

Our 24hr Veterinary Hospital is open to the general public for emergencies when their usual veterinary centre is closed, during night hours and holidays.

Do you need a home emergency visit?

In colaboration with Domivet, we can offer our clients an Emergency Home service for Barcelona, Vallès, Maresme, Bages and many other areas.

SURvet´s Customer Assessment
of our service March 2024
Survet Star
4.75 / 5 
More info (spanish)